Easy 4-Ingredient Rose Salve Recipe (2024)

Rose salve is a homemade balm with an intoxicating smell that is great for applying to your skin for its many benefits. My rose salve recipe is easy to make and uses just a few ingredients.

Easy 4-Ingredient Rose Salve Recipe (1)

What is Rose Salve?

You probably haven’t heard about rose salve a lot, but that doesn’t mean that it is not a great item to have in your natural beauty tool box.

Rose salve is a concentrated form of rose petals and oil, along with beeswax as a carrier, to deliver the many beneficial properties of roses to the skin.

This salve is made with rose oil, which is made from dried rose petals; rose essential oil; beeswax; and mica coloring, which is optional.

As you can see, there is only beneficial and natural ingredients in this rose salve.

Easy 4-Ingredient Rose Salve Recipe (2)

What are the Benefits of Rose Salve?

As rose salve is a concentrated form of the oils and essences of roses, the benefits are the same as the flower itself.

Roses can have the following properties for your skin:

  • With a lot of antioxidants, roses are great for anti-aging skin care products
  • Roses have Vitamin A and Vitamin C
  • The flowers have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties
  • Roses can help reduce skin redness
  • Many dry skin products use roses for good reason. The flowers are hydrating.
  • Roses can help your skin with healing from minor abrasions and cuts.

Beeswax is the other major ingredient in this rose salve. I am a big fan of beeswax because it is so nourishing to the skin and holds in moisture.

Easy 4-Ingredient Rose Salve Recipe (3)

I have used beeswax in the following recipes, as well:

  • Winter Dry Skin Balm
  • Beeswax Lip Balm
  • DIY Beeswax Balm
  • Beeswax Lotion Bar

What Type of Rose Essential Oil to Use

This easy recipe has rose essential oil as an ingredient, however, true rose essential oil is very expensive and probably not in your budget to use for a salve.

There are many substitutions for rose essential oil that will deliver the same dreamy fragrance:

If you are using rose essential oil specifically for the sensual fragrance, you can substitute an essential oil blend with romantic notes, such as:

Easy 4-Ingredient Rose Salve Recipe (4)

How Long Will Rose Salve Last?

Unlike other DIY beauty products, rose salve will last quite a long time because it is not made with water which can cause a product to go bad more quickly.

Beauty products made with water needs preservatives, because the water can harbor bacteria or other microbes which can cause the product to start going bad.

However, with just beeswax and roses, you can keep this rose salve on hand for 6-9 months. Be sure to store in a cool, dark place so that it doesn’t melt.

If the salve starts to smell rancid or looks unusual, though, be sure to toss it out immediately.

Easy 4-Ingredient Rose Salve Recipe (5)

How to Make Infused Rose Oil

This recipe uses infused rose oil. Which I also use to make these DIY Rose Petal Bath Bombs.

To make the rose salve quickly and easily, you can purchase rose infused oil already made. Just be sure to get one that doesn’t have artificial fragrance or parfum, which could be made with chemicals. I like this organic rose oil.

If you would like to make your own infused rose oil, it is very easy to do. You will just need to wait a few weeks before making the salve. (Be sure to Pin this recipe so that you remember!)

To make a rose-infused oil, add rose petals to a glass jar. The cover the petals with a carrier oil of your choice, such as sweet almond or jojoba oil. To make this recipe, you will need at least 1/4 cup of oil added, but we suggest using a little bit more.

I actually used olive oil to make my version, but the olive oil can have a bit of a smell that you might not want in your salve.

Easy 4-Ingredient Rose Salve Recipe (6)

Let the jar steep for 4-6 weeks. Be sure to keep it somewhere cool and dark, such as in a cupboard.

Be sure to shake the jar every few days for the best infusion into the oil.

Once done, strain the oil through a cheesecloth to keep just the fragrant oil without the rose petals.

How to Make Rose Salve

This rose salve recipe will makes three 2-oz tins.

While I used traditional aluminum tins with lids, if you are giving these as gifts I’d suggest using these rose-colored tins, instead.


  • 2 1/2tablespoons beeswax pellets(use white beeswax rather than yellow for the best coloring of your salve)
  • 1/4 cup infused rose oil
  • 20 –25 drops of essential oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon pink mica powder (optional)
Easy 4-Ingredient Rose Salve Recipe (7)


Pour rose infused oil and beeswax into a glass container.

Heat in the microwave in 30-second intervals, stirring in between. Alternatively, you could use a double broiler instead.

Easy 4-Ingredient Rose Salve Recipe (8)

Be sure to not overheat, otherwise your oil and beeswax will burn. You also don’t want the mixture to boil over the measuring cup if it is heated for too long.

Add the pink mica powder to the liquid mixture and stir together thoroughly.

Easy 4-Ingredient Rose Salve Recipe (9)
Easy 4-Ingredient Rose Salve Recipe (10)

Once the salve is colored as you would like, add in the essential oil and stir together.

Easy 4-Ingredient Rose Salve Recipe (11)

Pour the liquid into the tins carefully. Tap each tin slightly on the table if you need to get air bubbles out of the mixture so that it will dry evenly.

Let sit overnight or until it hardens completely.

This is a great recipe to make with rose petals from a bouquet. You may also want to see my easy stovetop potpourri using rose petals.

Easy 4-Ingredient Rose Salve Recipe (12)

Want to save this DIY Rose Petal Salve recipe for later? Pin it to Pinterest.

For another type of salve, see our Rosemary salve or Anti-Itch Homemade Jewelweed Salve next.

Easy 4-Ingredient Rose Salve Recipe (2024)


How do you make a simple salve? ›

  1. First you will need to make an infused oil. ...
  2. Take 100ml of your infused herbal oil.
  3. Warm in a bain-marie, add 15g beeswax until it has melted.
  4. Take it off the heat.
  5. Whilst it is still warm add any essential oils you want to.
  6. Pour this into some salve jars.
  7. Allow to cool and then add a lid, label and store.

What is the best ratio for salve? ›

I typically make my salve with an oil to beeswax ratio of 3:1 or 4:1, which results in a thick but still easily spreadable texture. For example, in my latest batch I had about 100 mL of melted beeswax so I added about 300 mL of oil.

How many drops of essential oil to add to salve? ›

Once the oils and wax are melted, carefully remove to a space on the counter. I lay out a dish towel to protect the counter. Stir in your essential oils, using up to 9 drops total per ounce of salve. Allow the salve to cool, with the lid on so the oils don't evaporate out.

What makes a good salve? ›

Best Herbs for Salves
  1. Arnica flowers.
  2. Burdock root.
  3. Calendula flowers.
  4. Cayenne powder.
  5. Chamomile flowers.
  6. Chickweed.
  7. Comfrey leaf and/or root.
  8. Echinacea herb and/or root.
Aug 23, 2019

How do you make healing salve at home? ›

  1. 4 cups Olive Oil ( I buy the big jar of olive oil at Costco)
  2. 1 1/4 cup Dried Herbs (I use 1/2 cup calendula, 1/2 cup plantain, 1/4 cup comfrey leaf)
  3. 4 – 6 oz Bees Wax (depending how thick you want it)
  4. 1 Tablespoon Vitamin E Oil (helps salve from going rancid)

What are the ingredients in salve? ›

Basic Homemade Salve Recipe
  • 1 cup (8 ounces) of oil, plain or herb-infused. ...
  • ¼ cup (1 oz) beeswax pellets or pastilles.
  • Optional: 1 to 2 Tbsp shea butter, cocoa butter or mango butter.
  • Optional: Up to 1 tsp of essential oils (100 drops maximum) for a very strong-scented salve. ...
  • Optional: ½ tsp of vitamin E oil.
Feb 22, 2023

How do you thicken homemade salve? ›

Conversely, if your salve is too runny, add more beeswax or hard butter (e.g., cocoa butter) to thicken it up.

How long do homemade salves last? ›

It's easy to adjust the consistency of a salve by adding a bit more oil to make it more spreadable or more beeswax to thicken or harden it. Homemade salves without any preservative agents will last about 6 to 8 months at room temperature out of direct heat and sunlight. Refrigerated, they'll keep for a year or more.

What is the difference between a balm and a salve? ›

Salves tend to be more oily and thinner in consistency, while balms are more thick and waxy. Salves can be better for moisturizing dry skin or treating specific conditions, while balms are better at sealing in moisture and creating a barrier against environmental irritants for general skincare.

Can you make a salve without beeswax? ›

It's definitely salve season, and we set out to make one without using beeswax. Veggie-ful Green Salve uses Carnauba Wax instead of the usual Beeswax, which makes it a vegetarian salve. You may recognize the name Carnauba from wax used on cars!

How do you make all-purpose salve? ›

Ingredients: 5oz Avocado Oil (divided into 4 and 1oz) 1.25oz Shea Butter 1.25oz Coconut Oil 1 Ounce Beeswax 1/4 Cup St. John's Wort 1/4 Cup Echinacea (herb/leaves) 1/4 Cup Calendula Flower 1/2 Tsp Lavender Essential Oil Making the all-purpose salve: Add all herbs into a clean jar and top with 4oz of the avocado oil.

How long does it take to make a salve? ›

Herbal Salve/Balm for Extreme Moisturizing

Add olive oil to the top of the jar and let it sit in the sun for 2-3 weeks (stirring every other day). If you're in a hurry, you can do it in a double boiler for an hour. After the olive oil is infused, strain out the herbs with a piece of cheesecloth.

Do you use fresh or dried herbs for salve? ›

It's best to use dried herbs rather than fresh, since the lack of moisture helps keep the salve from spoiling. If you only have fresh herbs, allow them to wilt on a paper towel for a few hours prior to using to remove excess moisture.

How do you make natural antibiotic salve? ›

Melt coconut oil and beeswax over a double boiler. Transfer to a blender and add witch hazel, lavender oil, and tea tree oil. Blend 30 seconds. Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.

How do you make moisturizing salve? ›

4 Homemade Salve and Balm Recipes
  1. 1/4 cup of chopped beeswax. 1 tablespoon olive oil. 2 tablespoons coconut oil. ...
  2. 4 tablespoons of organic cold-pressed virgin coconut oil. 3 tablespoons of rosehip or any essential oil. 4 capsules of vitamin E. ...
  3. 65 grams of distilled water. 1 gram colloidal oatmeal.
Feb 5, 2024

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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.