Homemade Furniture Polish Recipe (2024)

Filed Under: Cleaning Tips

By: Angie Holden|| 10 Comments

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This simple homemade furniture polish takes just minutes to whip up using ingredients you already have at home. This polish is simple, yet effective. Your furniture will look better than ever once you spray this on!

Homemade Furniture Polish Recipe (1)

Table of Contents

Natural DIY Furniture Polish

Probably like many of you, I’ve been on a natural cleaner kick recently. Truth be told, I didn’t know how many potentially dangerous chemicals I was spraying in our home until fairly recently.

There’s a belief out there that you have to choose for things to be either natural OR effective. But, I’m here to tell you that you really can have it all! This homemade furniture polish is just one example of how you can replace your typical chemical-laden polish with a simple, natural solution that works. Mix up a batch and see for yourself!

What’s in the Homemade Furniture Polish?

As I mentioned above, everything in this diy polish is completely natural. Even better? You likely already have a lot of these items at home already! Let’s break them down a bit:

  • Olive Oil – the benefit of using olive oil is two-fold. Firstly, its fatty content will nourish the wood while adding a pretty layer of shine. Secondly, olive oil actually adds a protective coat that can help protect your furniture from scratches and dings (this is a must-have in a house with children!).
  • White Vinegar – this cleaning powerhouse cuts right through dirt and grime, while also preventing any streaks. I use distilled white vinegar that’s 5% acidic – you can get a huge jug for $5 or less!
  • Lemon Essential Oil – similarly, lemon essential oil cleans and protects your wood furniture. It has the added benefit of smelling amazing too!
  • Water – if you are making a batch and plan on using it within a day or so, tap water works fine. However, if you plan on using this homemade furniture polish over a few weeks, I highly recommend you get distilled water to prevent the growth of any bacteria.

If you don’t have one on hand, you’ll also need an empty spray bottle to put your mixture into. I use (and recommend) a good quality glass spray bottle so it lasts for a nice long time.You can definitely pick one up at the dollar store but I always have trouble with those! There is also a fair amount of debate as to whether you should use plastic spray bottles with lemon or lemon essential oil. I prefer to err on the side of caution!

A funnel may come in handy too as you are adding all the ingredients.

Homemade Furniture Polish Recipe

Let’s chat about how to put together this furniture polish. It’s as simple as measure, pour, shake, and spray!

Supplies Needed:

  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • ½ cup white vinegar
  • 5 – 10 drops lemon essential oil (See our tips for buying essential oils here.)
  • Water
  • Spray bottle
Homemade Furniture Polish Recipe (2)


Add one tablespoon of olive oil to your spray bottle first.

Homemade Furniture Polish Recipe (3)

Then, add 1/2 cup of white vinegar to your spray bottle next.Distilled white vinegar that is 5% acidic works fine with this recipe.

Homemade Furniture Polish Recipe (4)

You will now be adding your lemon essential oil. I picked lemon because I love the smell but you can actually use a wide variety of oils in this recipe. Try grapefruit or even peppermint to mix things up. Lemon does work best on wood furniture in my opinion though.

Homemade Furniture Polish Recipe (5)

Add five to ten drops to the bottle depending on how strong you want it to smell.

Homemade Furniture Polish Recipe (6)

You will want to mix this well before adding the water. Add your lid and shake well. Then remove the lid and fill your spray bottle with water.

Homemade Furniture Polish Recipe (7)

Then put the lid back on the bottle and shake well again.Remember that this is an oil/water mixture. You will need to shake it well each time that you use it.

Homemade Furniture Polish Recipe (8)

How to Use the Furniture Polish

Using this homemade furniture spray is not much different than using the commercial variety. First, give your bottle a shake (don’t forget!).

The, spray directly onto your furniture and use a microfiber cloth to buff immediately.

I do recommend you test all surfaces before use but this should work on almost any surface in your home from high gloss finishes to wood and more.

Homemade Furniture Polish Recipe (9)

Will you be giving this homemade furniture polish a try? You really can’t go wrong! It is inexpensive, easy to make, and contains basic all natural ingredients.Sounds like a winner to me!

Homemade Furniture Polish Recipe (10)

Love this and want more natural cleaning ideas? Try the links below!

Want to see my favorite cleaning supplies and products?

I have gathered all of the products I love using around my home into one great section of my Amazon storefront. You can click here to shop! If you’re looking for just about anything to clean your home, I probably have an option that you will love!

Homemade Furniture Polish Recipe (11)
Homemade Furniture Polish Recipe (12)

About Angie Holden

For over a decade, I have been sharing Cricut tutorials and craft ideas here as well as on my YouTube channel. My passions include teaching others to be creative and learning as many new things as possible.


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6 years ago

Am really going to make this furniture polish. Just need to get some lemon oil. Where we live is so dirty and dusty I have gotten tired of constant dusting. Maybe if I polish tables will help keep dust off or be easier to dust? I should be so lucky, lol.
Guess should get a good glass spray bottle also. Great tutorial Angie. Was sitting here watching tutorial videos how to make all kinds of things. Can’t hear you as have hearing loss but can figure out mostly what to do. You are such a talented and creative lady.

Happy daze


Angie Holden


Reply toJaneEllen,

6 years ago

Thanks as always Jane!


Ruthann Hahn

Reply toAngie Holden

6 years ago

You do not say how much water??????

Angie Holden


Reply toRuthann Hahn

6 years ago

You can literally fill your spray bottle up.


Ready Assembled Bedside Tables

6 years ago

This is really amazing. Thanks for sharing this post.



6 years ago

Sounds great – pinned and shared



6 years ago

This sounds great! and I love natural things. I will pin this and make it.



6 years ago

This sounds like a great alternative to all the spray corporate furniture polishes. So much nicer. Thank you for the recipe.



6 years ago

I am definitely going to have to give this a shot! We are renovating and there is drywall dust everywhere, over a month later! I usually just dry dust but it is not cutting it, so it is time to get serious. 😉



6 years ago

I’ve tried a concentrated version of this and can say that the result looks great!


Homemade Furniture Polish Recipe (2024)


What is a homemade solution for furniture polish? ›


If you don't have white vinegar, you can also make a preparation out of lemon and olive oil to polish your furniture. This time, measure 1 cup of olive oil to 1/2 cup of lemon juice. You can use the same methods for application: either a spray bottle or cloth.

How do you make furniture polish with vinegar and olive oil and vinegar? ›

You mix together half a cup of olive oil and half a cup of white vinegar. You can leave it in a bowl and just dip a soft cloth into it, or you can put it in a spray bottle and shake it up.

What can be used in place of furniture polish? ›

Vegetable or Olive Oil and Lemon Juice. Mix 2 parts oil with 1 part lemon juice. Apply and polish with a clean soft cloth to leave furniture looking and smelling good.

What is the best homemade furniture polish? ›

Combine 2 TBSP olive oil with ¼ c white vinegar and about 2-4 drops of lemon oil in a spray bottle. Shake it up and now you have a moisturizing wood polish with a fresh lemon scent.

How do you make homemade polish? ›

Just melt equal parts beeswax, a solid oil (like cocoa butter), and a liquid oil (like olive oil) over a double boiler, and pour it into an empty container. Allow it to harden fully. The paste is ready to use. Just work it into your shoes, wipe off the excess, and you're good to go again.

Can WD 40 be used as furniture polish? ›

Furniture or other items made of wood can lose their luster over time. To restore gummed-up areas and bring back the shine, WD-40 Multi-Use Product helps get the Job Done Right. Begin by cleaning the wooden surface thoroughly to remove dirt and grime.

Does vinegar make wood shiny? ›

The finish is the protective layer of your wood floors. Since vinegar is an acid, it will actually break down the finish on the surface of your floor, and over time it will reduce the shine, and leave a dull appearance.

What does apple cider vinegar do to wood furniture? ›

Because vinegar is acidic, it can corrode wood and stone, it can destroy wax, kill plants, and cause other damage.

How do you make wood shine like glass? ›

The best option is to use a varnish or lacquer to give the wood a high gloss finish. While varnish can be sprayed or brushed on, lacquer is best applied by simple spraying. Spraying makes the surface seem finer than painting as it doesn't leave any strokes behind.

Can you use Vaseline as a furniture polish? ›

* Protect your wooden furniture with Vaseline, in the same way that you would use a wood polish. * Protect your leather couches by applying a small amount to a clean cloth and rubbing it on.

What is the best DIY upholstery cleaner solution? ›

Mixing 1/4 cup of vinegar, one tsp of Borax, one tsp of liquid detergent and four cups of water creates an effective upholstery cleaner. There is also another solution made of only water and detergent. Check out the materials your upholstery is made of so you can decide which mix to create.

What is a good substitute for wood polish? ›

Coconut oil is another great oil you can use to polish furniture. You can simply dab a cloth in the oil and apply it on the wood surface as it is. Make sure you clean the surface first! Or you can mix the coconut oil with a few drops of your favorite essential oil to add a lovely scent.

What liquid is used to add shine to wooden furniture? ›

Mineral oil is typically the first option for wood polishing, but if you want to stick exclusively to natural ingredients, then you can use vegetable oils as well. Just make sure you choose an oil that doesn't go rancid too fast, such as sesame oil, walnut oil or jojoba oil.

Is vinegar and olive oil good for wood furniture? ›

Vinegar, if mixed with olive oil can remove water stains from wood furniture. This mixture can also temporarily mask water and sun damage to wood floors. Vinegar has many useful cleaning properties, but has it's limits.

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