At the Crimean republic center of vision rehabilitation innovative pedagogical technology "КРЫМ•МЕД•ДИДАКТИК" of training of the medical staff is developed: students, doctors - interns, clinical interns, practical doctors, teachers in ophthalmology. It is registered in the state copyrights and neighboring rights agency of Ukraine PA № 3003 from 28.04.2000, it is patented in the Ministry of Education and sciences of Ukraine, the State department of the intellectual property. The technology is approved at session of the heads of the ophthalmology faculties of institutions of higher education of Ukraine and recommended for approbation on the basis of basic faculty of ophthalmic illnesses (Kiev) and similar faculties of institutions of higher education of the country.
The principle of technology «from model to man» at material comprehensibility rate of 90 % and higher.
The basis of technology: modeling - а) healthy eye physiology, b) disease, c) diagnostics, d) treatment with the help of ophthalmosimulators, test benches, multipurpose training and treatment lines
The system of modeling with ophthalmosimulators is able to reproduce functional work of an organ or system, including abnormality, to simulate any complex "non-typical" clinical case. All manipulations are carried out on eyes of animals inserted in a phantom - mask. Special engineering equipment enables to imitate disease on an animal eye: a pterygium, chalasion, an intraocular foreign body etc. and then "to cure" it. For training of no surgical methods of diagnostics and treatment of ophthalmic diseases and functional disorders we have designed and manufactured simulators and therapeutic apparatus which have made up a unified training and treatment line.
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Multipurpose training equipment: hydraulic irrigation system, hydraulic aspiration system, automatic eye irrigation system, phantom mask with an inserted animal’s eye, manometer measuring intraocular pressure, pedal with hydraulic valve |
Essential distinctive feature of technology “KRYM·MED·DIDAKTIK”: At surgical technique teaching on animals’ eyes according to the “KRYM·MED·DIDAKTIK” system there is no postoperative diagnosis and clinic. The main thing in the technology is that it is able what is usually difficult when teaching on man, namely acquirement in topographic, physiological and pathophysiological microsurgery of an eye.
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Training classes with modular principle of teaching. Multipurpose training equipment imitating treatment and diagnosis process: metal screen with magnet applicators holding lenses and illuminating devices, ophthalmosimulators, testing benches and working models, training lines. |
All the training and treatment technologies served as a basis for foundation an innovative institution – Crimean Republic Centre of Vision Rehabilitation whose main line of activity includes: research in sphere of clinical ophthalmology, therapeutic and prophylactic work, preparation of medical specialists, development of therapeutic and diagnostic devices, apparatus, technological lines and conveyors and automated systems; technical and clinical testing of devices and systems; publishing of methodological recommendations and medical literature.

Technology makes it possible to: 1) reduce the needs of patients suffering either, one or another disease. It is especially actual for those countries where contacts with real patients are excluded or strongly limited; 2) secure calmness and confidence of the instructor without any risk to harm someone’s health; 3) steadily improve and perfect professional skills at learning new techniques, operations and technologies; 4) exclude or minimize potential complications when treating a patient; 5) exclude the access to the patient of an untrained specialist by means of preoperative testing; 6) use unified standards of efficiency criteria and treatment quality; 7) reduce the number of insurance cases and claims.
These technologies are approved: on 1,100 medical university students (78% comprehensibility), young specialists and practitioners (92% comprehensibility).
The basis of high comprehensibility level: the use of three channels of receiving information: audio, visual, motor (or kinesthetic).
The author of the KNOW-HOW and of the whole project is Dembsky Leonid Konstantinovich, 58, founder of the Crimean Republic Centre of Vision Rehabilitation, ophthalmologist of highest category, the doctor of medical sciences on ophthalmic illnesses and organization of public health services, secondary and higher technical and engineering education, author of more than 60 scientific publications, inclusive one monograph, 28 inventions and 8 patents introduced into the practice of public health services.
Information (diagram): Audio or verbal channel secures the 10% comprehensibility (1), visual – 20% (2), audiovisual – 50% (3), motor (or kinesthetic) – 90% (in the form of independent work on ophthalmosimulators, real devices and apparatus with solution of tasks set by the instructor (4). | ![]() |
The system “KRYM•MED•DIDAKTIK”is unique and can therefore be applied not only in teaching any medical profession but also in other branches.
95006, Pavlenko St. 4, Simferopol, Ukraine
Tel. 0038 (0652) 27-95-51, Fax 0038 (0652) 27-00-63