Naruto: The whole World knows that i am the Savior - Chapter 123 (2024)

Chapter 123 Five years later, Mr. Mizukage

Transforming a tailed beast and condensing tailed beast jade are not difficult at all for Shiroun Yosuke. The purified tailed beast chakra has his will, and he can even use these nine-tailed chakra to transform into the shape of the ten-tails.

It’s just that the Kyuubi is the most recognizable and intimidating to Kirigakure.

Shirakumo Yosuke said to Kushina in his body: “Kushina, help me control the Nine-Tails and Tailed Beast Tama. Don’t do anything unnecessary without my order. I’ll go talk to Kirigakure Village!”


Kushina was startled, and then her whole body was pulled out of the sealed space in her body by Bai Yunyousuke; but fortunately, she was wrapped in the tailed beast chakra and there was no risk of dissipating.

When Kushina appeared in the head of Kyuubi in a chakra body, she looked outside the Kirigakure Village in shock.

“I, I can come out? I can actually leave your body and it hasn’t dissipated yet.”

“Help me maintain the Nine Tails first.”

After saying that, Shiakumo Yosuke used the teleportation technique to get rid of the nine-tailed chakra, and the next second he used the teleportation technique again to come to Terumi Mei.

After Ao and other Kirigakure Anbu saw Shiroun Yosuke, they yelled in shock and anger: “Asshole, Mizukage-sama, please step back and leave this place to us.”

“Do you really want to force me to destroy Kirigakure?”

Shiroun Yosuke said very calmly, and these words immediately made Ao and the other Kirigakure ninjas dare not move; the huge Nine Tails was still in front of them, and the terrifying Tailed Beast Jade was getting bigger and bigger.

If it exploded in Kirigakure Village, even the Mizukage Terumi Mei would not be able to survive.

“Do you still want to discuss with us? It’s a bit unbelievable.”

Terumi Mei’s beautiful eyes were cold, but a trace of cold sweat flowed from her forehead unconsciously, and she said to Shirakumo Yosuke: “Destroying the Mizukage Building and doing such a thing in Kirigakure Village, I didn’t expect that there were still plans for peace talks. ?”

“First, he allowed Konoha’s envoy to have trouble in Kirigakure Village and failed to catch the murderer. Finally, he ambush the ninja during the negotiation, Mizukage. Who did it too much?”

Bai Yun Yousuke also snorted and said with a smile: “I just destroyed one of your Mizukage buildings, which is completely incomparable to the damage to Konoha’s personnel.”

“Then what do you want?”

“Form an alliance and stand on the side of Konoha. I can guarantee that you will be treated fairly in the future. Even if the title of Ninja Village is revoked, it will not be against your Kirigakure Village. I will lead you to see a broader world in the future.”

Terumi Mei and the other senior Kirigakure officials who had gathered here didn’t know what to say for a moment after hearing Shiroun Yosuke’s words.

Many people wanted to yell and refuse, but the weight of the nine tailed beasts made them almost breathless. Even if they were standing, they could not hide their trembling legs.

The Yuanshi who arrived spoke to Mi Mei and said: “Mizukage-sama, you make the decision. No matter what decision you make, I and everyone in Kirigakure will support you.”


A trace of courage emerged in Terumi Mei’s heart, and then a solemn look appeared on her pretty face and she said to Baiyun Yosuke: “Okay, let’s talk, Your Excellency Yosuke.”

“You will not regret this decision, Mizukage-dono. The combined achievements of all Mizukage generations are not as important as the decision you made today, and I don’t like killing people either.”

Killing is a means, not the purpose or pleasure. As long as the purpose is achieved, the method of killing can be avoided; and manpower is also a rare resource. Ninjas are inherently small due to wars. Killing thousands at a time may drastically reduce the number of ninjas. One twentieth.

Shiroun Yosuke teleported back to the Nine-Tails Chakra, and after recovering the condensed Tailed Beast Jade Chakra, he took the Nine-Tails Chakra and Kushina back into the sealed space in his body.

“Hey, let me come out for a little while, just a little while.”

Kushina still wanted to plead, but Baiyun Youjie ignored her and took Kushina back directly.

I just tried it, but I didn’t expect it to work. It seems that I can discover more of Kushina’s functions in the future.

After the huge golden nine-tails and tailed beast jade disappeared, the ninjas of Kirigakure Village breathed a sigh of relief. No one would feel comfortable if their life was threatened.

“Do you want to talk here, Mizukage-dono?”

Bai Yunyousuke came to Terumi Mei again and asked, but the latter snorted and complained a little: “The Mizukage Building is in ruins, how can we talk about it? Let’s find another place.”

Terumi Meiya had just received a report from his Sensing Ninjas, and was relieved to learn that no one died in the Mizukage Building.

At the same time, he also knew that Bai Yun Yousuke deliberately let them go, otherwise it would be impossible for everyone to escape after the tailed beast transformed.

After changing places, Shiroun Yosuke started negotiating with Terumi Mei.

The basic requirements of the agreement are similar to those of the Suna Ninja Village, including alliances and help during wars, and the Kirigakure ninjas were not allowed to participate in the frontal battlefield, but were only allowed to sneak attack on the Kingdom of Thunder from the side.

At the same time, there are various exchanges and cooperation. Kirigakure has just recovered from the era when the Fourth Mizukage was controlled. The village needs to develop well, so Mei Terumi also made many demands.

But this is basically nothing to Konoha.

The Daming Palace fully supports Konoha, and Shiroun Yosuke’s two money-making businesses give him a lot of money and resources.

Moreover, Shirogumo Yosuke also revealed some information about the Akatsuki organization and Uchiha Obito to the Kirigakure Village, regarding the murderer behind the scenes who controlled the Fourth Mizukage, and brought them the terrifying Blood Mist Reign.

The entire Kirigakure village hates him far more than anyone else in the ninja world!

Although a rebellious ninja organization like the Akatsuki organization is a bit troublesome, it is perfect for being used as a stinking ditch in the ninja world; it is precisely because of this kind of organization that great ninja villages like Konoha and Suna ninja Kirigakure can function as In the name of justice, they formed an alliance to encircle and suppress them.

To put it simply, sewers also have the use value of sewers. The reason why Shiroun Yosuke has been avoiding the Akatsuki organization until now is because he wants to use the power of the Akatsuki organization to prompt the Ninja Village to get up to speed.

Before powerful enemies like Kaguya and Uchiha Madara appeared, the Akatsuki organization was barely enough.

“Then, if there are no other requirements, that’s what the alliance agreement is.”

Mei Terumi said that the above agreement would be of great help to the recovery of Kirigakure Village, but she felt a little heavy at the thought that the village might disappear in the future.

“Don’t think too much, Lord Mizukage; eliminate war, guide peace, and let every villager live a happy and safe life with enough food and clothing. You, Mizukage, are already great.

Even if the wall of Kirigakure Village disappears, your subordinates and villagers will happily yearn for it. ”

Shirakumo Yosuke gave Terumi Mei a big mouthful of chicken soup and brainwashed her with a bright future.

“If there are people who are really entangled in the name of Kirigakure Village and prevent everyone from running towards happiness, they are just shameful careerists; they are blocking everyone’s happiness for their own selfishness. I believe you know very well how to choose, Mr. Mizukage.”

It sounded right to Terumi Mei, but it was a little awkward, but she couldn’t tell what was awkward about it.

“I hope you are right. If there is such a day, I hope it can come before I get married.”

Baiyun Yousuke smiled and said: “Mizukage-dono, you are so beautiful, how could you not find anyone to marry you?”


Terumi Mei smiled tightly at the corner of her mouth. If someone had said such a thing, she would have punched him; marriage has always been a flaw for her, and she has never met the right person.

Bai Yun Yousuke smiled and said: “If Mr. Mizukage is still not married in five years, then leave it to me.”

“Five years, hehehe, Don’t look down on others, Mr. Yosuke, after five years I will be three.”

Terumi Mei immediately stopped her mouth, and she realized that her age had almost been exposed just now; but she still looked at Baiyun Yosuke with an evil look, and asked with some gritted teeth: “Why, Mr. Yosuke wants to introduce me to marriage in five years?” Object?”

“Yes, because I will be eighteen in five years, Mizukage-dono.”

Shirakumo Yosuke suddenly leaned into Terumi Mei’s ear and whispered in a low voice. Only Terumi Mei heard the words; and Shirakumo Yosuke immediately pulled away before others could react and continued.

“Then I will go back with this alliance agreement. Sir Mizukage, you can send people to Konoha next. Don’t forget the Chunin Exams in five months.”


After leaving these words, Bai Yun Yousuke used the Flying Thunder God Technique to leave.

After they disappeared, Ao and the other Kirigakure stepped forward and asked with concern: “Mizukage-sama, were you okay just now?”

“Mizukage-sama, what did Yosuke Shiakumo say just now?”

“Mizukage-sama? Why don’t you reply? Damn it, illusion solution!”

Seeing Qing in front of him even rolling his eyes, Terumi Mei scolded: “Qing, and you, what are you doing?”

Qing and others breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Mr. Mizukage, you finally answered. What did that guy say to you just now? Was it a sound illusion, or…”

“That’s enough, you idiots! I was just thinking about something. If you have time, go and rebuild the Mizukage Building!”

Terumi Mei angrily reprimanded that today, even the Mizukage Building could have been saved. Bai Yun Yousuke wanted to form an alliance with Kirigakure Village from the beginning.

But Ao, an idiot, made his own decision. But it was also to protect her, the Mizukage, so Terumi Mei couldn’t say anything.

But instead of chattering around her, it’s better to do something serious.

“Yes, Mizukage-sama!”

Ao and other Kirigakure saw that Terumi Mei was angry and fled for their lives. Terumi Mei was really good at doing things when she was angry. Except for Genshi and some prestigious old people, many people had been taught a lesson by Terumi Mei.

After there was no one in the room, Terumi Mei suddenly took out her hands and started counting.

“In five years, I should be eighteen years old, and I will be thirty-three. It doesn’t seem like there is much difference.”

“No, no, Terumi Mei, are you under a genjutsu? How could you not get married for five years and wait for a brat?”

Terumi Mei patted her cheek, and then rekindled her fighting spirit and thought in her heart: “Very good, within five years, no, within three years, we must find a suitable marriage partner.”


Hokage’s Office

After reading the alliance agreement brought back by Shiroun Yosuke, Tsunade said with some surprise: “I didn’t expect you to actually make it happen, but it’s just about the financial expenditure.”

“I’ll take care of it. There are many projects that can be developed recently. In a few years, the income will be several times higher!”

Baiyun Yosuke confidently said that technology can not only change lives, but also make a lot of money; he has already sent people to find talents to build thundercar rails. With the establishment of the company and the business of laying railways, profits will begin within three years.

After the Kingdom of Fire, the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Water sign an alliance agreement, it is basically difficult for them to have another war. It is just right to lay the Thunder Car Railway in these three countries, and the Kingdom of Wind may be the most needed.

“How many times more? How much money do you have?”

Tsunade was more concerned about this. After hearing this, her eyes even turned into money symbols: “Yosuke, teacher works so hard every day, you just…”

“There’s no need to discuss it. If it’s business, I won’t hesitate, but if it’s gambling, forget it. I want to promote positive energy and oppose gambling and drugs!”

Baiyun Yousuke said to Tsunade with a righteous look: “If you are tired, Tsunade-sensei, then let me massage you to relieve your fatigue after you go back in the evening!”

“I don’t want it, you’re such a shy disciple.”

Tsunade snorted and refused. She dared to kiss her face casually now. If she asked Bai Yun Yousuke to massage her after she went back, Tsunade didn’t know how brave he was.

“By the way, Shiranui Genma has woken up, but from now on, he will have to be taken care of by others and be supported by others.”

Speaking of death, it is always a heavy topic, and it would not be surprising even if Tsunade is the Fifth Hokage.

Baiyun Yosuke thought for a while and said: “Orochimaru and Shennong are studying full-body mechas. Shiranui Genma is more suitable for this situation. I will ask him then.”

“After suffering this kind of thing, being able to stand up and become a ninja again is somewhat hopeful.”

Both Orochimaru and Shen Nong have deep research on human biology. The two have many things in common, and Shiroun Yosuke’s resource supply allows them to do what they want to do.

Except for Shennong’s ambition to dominate the world, it is difficult to rise after being suppressed by Baiyun Yosuke.

After talking to Tsunade, Shiroun Yosuke said goodbye and went to Konoha Hospital.

Tsunade’s medical ninjutsu is just a little short of becoming a true god of medicine. It can bring Shiranui Genma back from hell, but it can’t help him regenerate his broken limbs.

After Shiranui Genma learned from Bai Yunyoujie that there was hope for him to stand up again, he agreed immediately.

Even if he became a reformed person, it would be better than lying in bed and needing care for the rest of his life; before, Shiranui Genma even considered committing suicide to avoid causing trouble to others.

Soon, Shiranui Genma was placed on the bed by the medical ninja, and then followed by Bai Yunyousuke, he was escorted to Orochimaru’s research base.

But here Shiroun Yosuke happened to meet Class 10.


After seeing Shirakumo Yosuke, Yamanaka Ino ran towards him with a happy face. However, when he got closer and saw Shiranui Genma, Ino’s happy expression subsided, and then asked in a low voice

“Yosuke-kun, what’s going on?”

At this time, Asuma also walked closer. When he saw the person lying on the escort bed, he was shocked and said: “Genma? How could it be you? What happened?”

“The mission was unexpected, Asuma, but don’t worry, I might get better.”

Shiranui Genma was able to reply, holding a toothpick in his mouth and saying that he strongly wanted to pick it up. In his words, this thing was better than anesthetics in diverting pain.

“Ino, Asuma, the research here may allow Shiranui Genma to become a ninja again, so come here to find hope.”

After Bai Yun Yousuke finished speaking, he planned to bring the people in first, so he said to Ino: “Ino, I have something to do now, I will go find you another day.”

Kurenai is not here, so he can reveal his relationship with Yamanaka Ino at will.

Yamanaka Ino nodded sheepishly and said, “Well, there’s no need to go to the flower shop, Yosuke-kun, just stay at the same place.” Last time, her mother saw her and asked her for a long time before letting her rest.

After bidding farewell to Team 10, Shiroun Yosuke brought Shiranui Genma to the research base.

Orochimaru also learned about the arrival of Baiyun Yosuke, so he and Shennong came out to see Baiyun Yosuke.

But when he came out and saw Shiranui Genma, he asked unexpectedly: “Yosuke-kun, what are you doing?”

“I was injured accidentally during the mission, so I sent him here to see if you can do anything.”

Orochimaru said speechlessly: “Yosuke-kun, do you think we are gods?”

Baiyun Yosuke said solemnly: “Orochimaru, don’t belittle yourself. If you control all the truths in the world, you are a god; aren’t you already pursuing the path of becoming a god? This is just a small test.”

“There’s no point in flattering.”

Orochimaru sighed helplessly, and then continued: “The biological mecha is still being experimented, and it is made for healthy ninjas. Shiranui Genma’s conditions do not meet the conditions. If it is changed, it must be rethought.

In a month, leave him here for now, and I will help him strengthen it so that he doesn’t die on the biological mecha.”

Shiranui Genma couldn’t help but swallow after hearing this. Orochimaru was indeed the person he was most afraid of when he was a child, and he could easily say such terrifying things.

However, upon hearing that there was hope of standing up, Shiranui Genma’s expectations still outweighed his fear.

Baiyun Yosuke said: “In this case, I will leave it to you. I have something else to do and I will leave first.”


Before Orochimaru could speak, Bai Yun Yousuke used Flying Thunder God to leave.

“It didn’t work out again, Orochimaru.”

Shennong suddenly said that he knew that Orochimaru needed help from Shiroun Yosuke for some research, but he failed to keep him here this time.

Orochimaru took a deep breath and said, “Next time, no matter what he pleads for, you have to make him agree first.”


“Your Excellency Yosuke.”

After the door was pushed open, Temari slowly walked in, respectfully took out a scroll and placed it on the table, and then said, “Father asked me to give this to you.”

“Oh, thanks, Temari.”

When Baiyun Yosuke saw this scroll, he immediately remembered the forbidden technique he had asked for from the Sand Village.

Consuming life can revive the dead. It is one of the few techniques in the ninja world that can revive the dead, and it is also rare.

“Excuse me, Temari. If you have nothing else, you can leave first.”

“Yes, I understand, Mr. Yosuke.”

Temari nodded in response, and then left the general’s office.

After she walked out, she patted her still bulging chest. It seems that this person is really a good person and did not force her feelings.

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Naruto: The whole World knows that i am the Savior - Chapter 123 (2024)


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Naruto vows to stop it and achieve peace in his own way. The Deva Path explains how a life of tragedy and hate drove it to its ideas for peace and asks how Naruto, having never known either, can have a better solution. Naruto has no answer.

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Episode 123 – The Leaf's Handsome Devil!

While Naruto is distracted, Kimimaro tries to finish him off, but Naruto is saved by an unexpected source. Rock Lee has come to help out, and he agrees to keep Kimimaro preoccupied while Naruto goes after Sasuke.

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Haku was a 15-year-old boy with an androgynous appearance and was even viewed as being beautiful by Naruto, who exclaimed that he was "prettier than Sakura", even after he informed him that he was male. He had long black hair, pale skin and large, dark-brown eyes, and a slender frame.

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While these episodes, including a whopping 77-episode run, are all filler, it doesn't mean they aren't worth watching. Episodes 102 to 106 take place immediately after the Konoha Five returns, having failed to bring Sasuke with them.

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She chose to go save her sister and destroy the Tenseigan rather than stay with Naruto when he finally realised and reciprocated her feelings. It wasn't least not a malicious one.

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Sadly, as Chapter 77 unfolds, Naruto's team is dealt another major blow, due to a betrayal by Kawaki himself.

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" I am the Handsome Devil of the Hidden Leaf Village!! My name is Rock Lee!! " : r/Naruto.

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After hunting down the Four Tails, Itachi and Kisame are summoned by the leader of the Akatsuki. The leader announces the death of Orochimaru to the gathered members and the possibility of his killer, Sasuke, setting his sights on the Akatsuki organization....

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"Briefly coming to Kakashi's back as the rest of the Sasuke Retrieval Team is brought back to the Hidden Leaf to make a full recovery, Naruto learns that Sasuke escaped. Once fully recovered in his hospital bed, Naruto talks to Shikamaru Nara about how he failed to get Sasuke.

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Here's why Haku is depicted with a feminine appearance: Ninja Disguise: In the Naruto series, ninja often use various disguises and techniques to deceive their enemies. Haku's androgynous appearance and clothing are part of a disguise that helps conceal his true identity and abilities.

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In Japan and in many other ancient cultures, it was very common for an older man to take on a young boy lover. The older man would mentor the boy. It's disgusting by today's standards but we can't deny it.

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Haku was killed by Kakashi, unintentionally of course, Haku jumped right in front of Kakashi's chidori, which was aimed at Zabuza.

Is it OK if I skip Naruto? ›

Yes! You can skip every single Naruto filler episode without missing out on the main plotline of the anime. However, we suggest watching a few filler episodes like the one with Kakashi's face reveal, Killer Bee's fights, Guy and Lee training, and more.

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In Naruto, is Kakashi's face ever shown? Yes they did. Naruto Shippuden Episode 469 - Kakashi Unmasked!

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With these considerations, you should avoid "just" the following ones:
  • From episode 57 to episode 71, filler. ...
  • From episode 91 to episode 112, filler. ...
  • From episode 144 to episode 151, filler. ...
  • Episodes 171 and 172, filler.
  • From episode 176 to episode 196, filler. ...
  • Episodes 212 and 213, filler.
Apr 20, 2022

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He wanted to achieve the kind of peace that would stop another Pain from appearing, but by ignoring their village, he allowed new hatred to fester. Naruto helped to unify the ninja world, and he has used the Hokage title to maintain a peace that has lasted more than a decade.

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thanks to an interview that Kishimoto did. regarding the last Naruto the movie. In the interview, Kishimoto said that Naruto doesn't. understand romantic love, hence the reason why he sat on Hinata's confession.

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The story of Naruto is filled with complex characters and betrayals that greatly impact the plot. Sasuke, despite helping to save the world, still betrays Naruto. Obito, after witnessing the death of Rin, sides with Madara and carries out destructive plans, betraying Kakashi.

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Jiraiya, believing that Minato wanted Naruto to use the Nine-Tails against some threat, instead uses the key to slightly weaken the seal, giving Naruto greater access to the Nine-Tails' chakra. After this key is passed to Naruto, he uses it to remove the seal in preparation for replacing it with a stronger one.

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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.