Sermon Collections, Sermons, Videos, PowerPoint Templates, Backgrounds (2025)

Prepare this week's sermon with a SermonCentral staff prepared Sermon Collection. Each Sermon Collection contains ten pastor-contributed sermons and six text illustrations matched to a video illustration, countdown service-starter video, preaching slides, motion backgrounds, and still backgrounds. Everything you need to capture great message ideas for crafting your own sermon message and present it with church media that matches the style of your service.

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Trending Sermon Collections

  • Resurrection | The Raising Of Lazarus

    Shared on:Sep 9, 2024

    based on 1 rating

    | 452 views this week

    Bring one of Christ's most remembered miracles to bear on the lives of those in difficult times struggling to hear from God.




    Service Styles:

  • Youth | Encouragement To Young People

    Shared on:Apr 1, 2024

    based on 6 ratings

    | 296 views this week

    Use these handpicked sermons to both speak Christ to the youth in your church and teach your congregation to take responsibility for loving and growing the young people around them




    Service Styles:

  • Invitation | Why Church?

    Shared on:Sep 2, 2024

    Give your congregation the means and opportunity to invite their friends and neighbors back to church.




    Service Styles:

  • Evangelism | Sharing Your Faith

    Shared on:Aug 26, 2024

    based on 1 rating

    | 79 views this week

    Encourage and equip your congregation to share their faith with authenticity, confidence and grace.




    Service Styles:

  • Heaven | Answering Questions

    Shared on:Aug 12, 2024

    based on 2 ratings

    | 57 views this week

    Answer the questions everyone has about heaven, life after death, and eternity.




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Newest Sermon Collections

  • Resurrection | The Raising Of Lazarus

    Shared on:Sep 9, 2024

    based on 1 rating


    Mention Lazarus when you discuss topics of trust, trials, healing, being "born again," "waking up" your faith, the compassion of Jesus and the glory of God.




    Service Styles:

  • Invitation | Why Church?

    Shared on:Sep 2, 2024

    based on 3 ratings


    Give your congregation the means and opportunity to invite their friends and neighbors back to church.




    Service Styles:

  • Evangelism | Sharing Your Faith

    Shared on:Aug 26, 2024

    based on 1 rating


    Encourage and equip your congregation for evangelism and to share their faith and witness with authenticity, confidence and grace.




    Service Styles:

  • Shared on:Aug 19, 2024

    based on 3 ratings


    Nearly 10 percent of American adults suffer from some form of depression, and 30,000 people commit suicide in the U.S. every year. Attack the spiritual crisis of depression and give hope in Christ to those who have none.




    Service Styles:

  • Heaven | Answering Questions

    Shared on:Aug 12, 2024

    based on 2 ratings


    Answer the questions everyone has about our life after death and the eternity built into our souls.




    Service Styles:

More Newest Sermon Collections >>

Featured Sermon Collection

Prepare this week's sermon with a SermonCentral staff prepared sermon collection. Each bundle includes everything you need for crafting your own sermon message.

View Resurrection | The Raising Of Lazarus

Sermon Collections, Sermons, Videos, PowerPoint Templates, Backgrounds (2025)


What is the best theme for preaching? ›

Prayer – one of the best sermon topics to preach

What makes prayer an even greater sermon topic is that people want to know about it. It's something we all need to get better at and it's something many people get nervous about doing or confess they don't do enough.

What are the 3 types of sermons? ›

Today I will be focusing only on Expository, Topical, Textual, and Narrative Sermons, as they're typically the four most common. These four common types are simply broad categories of different Biblical sermons and are not meant to capture the nuance of a given pastor or even denomination's teaching style.

What is the app for preparing sermons? ›

Sermonary's Podium Mode makes it easy to preach your sermons without paper clips, note cards, or printing anything. “Sermonary is the way to go when it comes to sermon preparation. I'm super impressed with the development and customer service. I won't go back to writing sermons any other way!”

What are the 5 elements of a sermon? ›

The five elements are: scripture, skin, symbol, story and step. Some of you have been preaching for 20 years and might be wondering what you can learn at this point. Keep reading because you'll pick up something new and useful in your sermon construction.

What are the 4 types of preaching? ›

The four most common are: verse-by-verse, thematic, narrative, and topical.
  • Verse-by-verse preaching. Verse-by-verse preaching is the systematic reading and explanation of a biblical text. ...
  • Thematic expository (or doctrinal) preaching. ...
  • Narrative expository preaching. ...
  • Topical expository preaching.

What are three methods of sermon preparation? ›

With that in mind, let's look at these three methods.
  • Expository Preaching. This method is generally used by those who hold the Bible in high regard. ...
  • Textual Preaching. The textual method is preaching through a section of the Bible (or section of a book of the Bible). ...
  • Topical Preaching.
Mar 5, 2009

How should sermons be structured? ›

Text-determined structure
  1. Introduce the text and its main divisions.
  2. Read, expound, and apply the first section.
  3. Read, expound, and apply the second section.
  4. Repeat until all sections of text are preached.
May 14, 2021

How do you find illustrations for sermons? ›

Here are seven go-to places for sermon illustrations.
  1. Your past. You may not realize it, but your life is full of wonderful stories that can illustrate great Biblical truth. ...
  2. Your family. If you have kids, you have living breathing sermon illustrations. ...
  3. Books. ...
  4. Movies. ...
  5. Current events. ...
  6. History. ...
  7. Children's books.

What is a powerful topic for a sermon? ›

Spiritual: topics like the Armor of God, the Beatitudes or the fruit of the Spirit. Felt need: messages on life change, behaviors or habits. Theology: Salvation, the Cross, the Trinity. Christian Practices: relationships, tithing and generosity or prayer life.

How do I choose a topic to preach on? ›

Tips for choosing a sermon topic or passage:
  1. Pray to see if the Lord puts something specific on your heart.
  2. Scan your Bible for passages or stories that stick out to you.
  3. Reflect on what may be most relevant or needed for your hearers right now.
  4. Peruse sermon resources like the Logos Sermon Starter Guide.
Jul 21, 2022

What is the most effective style of preaching? ›

Likely the most popular structure for preachers today is topical preaching or thematic preaching. Whereas sequential preaching begins by moving consecutively through a book of the Bible, topical preaching starts with a topic or theme.

What is a good sermon title? ›

The title should be informative, relevant and clear, but try not to state the obvious. Be specific and direct. Make sure that your title introduces the subject matter.

What are the 4 points of preaching? ›

A helpful way to know how to organize a well-balanced sermon is to follow the rule of the Four P's–Point, Proof, Picture and Practice. Every sermon point should include all of the “P's” as a general rule. There are some exceptions, but as a general rule, these should be followed for most sermons.

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Article information

Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

Last Updated:

Views: 6132

Rating: 4 / 5 (41 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.