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Transportation Association of Canada

Road Safety Standing Committee - Meeting Date: Sunday April 13, 2014 from 8h00 to 16h00

Location: Ottawa Marriott, Ottawa, Ontario

Notes by: Krista Tanaka ([emailprotected])

Item Action 1 Welcome & Introductions:

Logistics, washroom locations, breaks

Nametags in the back


Meeting presentation (Attachment 1) included a slide on why we are here – 8th leading cause of death globally


2 Approval of Today’s Agenda:

Lots of information pre-circulated including agency reports; this allows more time for interactive discussion this afternoon

Motion to approve agenda: Tony Churchill Seconded: Heidi Schlegl

3 Review & Approval of Fall 2013 (Winnipeg) RSSC Meeting Notes:

Previously circulated to the membership, no comments received to date Motion to approve Fall 2013 Minutes: Steven Melton Seconded: Phil Edens Status of Fall 2013 Actions:

Page 2 – Membership spreadsheet to be updated – completed

Page 3 – New RSSC terms of reference to be prepared – completed

Page 4 – MUTCD-C update on inclusion of active transportation – completed

Page 4 - Request for volunteers for Geometric Design Guide update – on today’s agenda

Page 5 – Discuss collaboration of GDG Review Task Group with CEC - completed

Page 6 – Climate change – action required

Page 7 – Integrating road safety elsewhere in TAC – ongoing

Page 7 – Knowledge gaps – on today’s agenda

Page 8 – Formal connection with TOMSC & GDSC – Chairs met and decided that informal connection will continue via conference calls - completed

Page 9 – Crash reports – on today’s agenda

Page 12 – Decade of action awards – on today’s agenda

Page 15 – Snow Plough project – on today’s agenda

Page 16 – PIDIS Work Zone Guidelines – on today’s agenda

Page 18 – Canadian Roundabout Design Guide – Request for volunteers for

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review group – on today’s agenda

4 RSSC Membership Update:

122 members: 48% active members, 52% Info only

Good mix between private, public and academia as well as geographically

Each agency may have more than one representative but only one voting member

5 Newly implemented RSSC Organizational Structure & RSSC Membership Participation

The org chart shows the new subcommittee structure

Chairs/Co-Chairs have been identified for each subcommittee

Members of the subcommittees come from the RSSC membership at large and include representation from private and public sectors

Subcommittees need volunteer participation to work

New org structure put into place to: implement the 5-year strategic plan; allow for better succession planning within RSSC; create a culture of teamwork and collaboration

How to get involved – look over 5-year plan, get to know chairs of subcommittees, let chairs know if you want to volunteers (either permanently or as a one-time contribution), formal/informal roles are possible


6 TAC Report – Question & Answer Period

Quick update on TAC Secretariat meeting o World Road Association – new task force with a 2-year mandate – TAC to

support them through Standing Committees o 2014 TAC Conference – online book 4 chapters released; lecture series

started; portal called Careers in Transportation to be launched in June; Showcase of transportation to be setup in Montreal (museum style); expecting 350 speakers and 75 sessions, 20 events going on at same time 1200-1400 delegates; tech tours both AM and PM

o TAC thinking of audio recording paper sessions (available free for paid delegates after the conference), gauge general interest Valuable, can’t get to every session Question concerning whether or not translation will be recorded as

well o Secretariat will try to track volunteer projects better o TAC open to considering webinar style training – consider for 2015, may

not be funding available o Nominations for volunteer recognition – general agreement to nominate

any past chair automatically for Distinguished service every other year, any other nominations should be sent to Walter before end of day

Circulated before the meeting – see documents circulated with agenda o Members encouraged to access documents on-line o 13 projects in development, 14 in progress (CRDG, GDG) o There are some recently released documents o 2015 TAC Conference will be held 27th – 30th of September o 2016 TAC Conference will be held 25th – 28th of September


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7 RSSC Subcommittee Reports/Presentations

Would like to a pass motion to accept the terms of reference at this meeting

7.1. Liaison Subcommittee (LS)

Terms of reference previously distributed with agenda

The main purpose of the LS subcommittee is to make sure that road safety is considered in the other standing committee and task forces (Examples: Snowplough lighting, GDG chapters, etc.)

Vice chair of RSSC is the chair of this subcommittee which includes reps who attend both RSSC and other standing committees or task forces

Two meetings per year and teleconferences throughout Motion to accept LS terms of reference: Peter Park Seconded: Steven Melton Liaison Officer Reports 7.1.1. Geometric Design Standing Committee – Report provided by Bill Kenny

Two major projects: Geometric Design Guide (GDS) & Canadian Roundabout Design Guide (CRDG)

Keith Boddy, chair for CRDG Project Steering Committee (PSC) – will speak to it later

Geometric Design Guide o MMM and Stantec retained to complete this 3-year project o Chair of PSC is Eric Christiansen from Manitoba; 27 people on PSC o A draft of one chapter received so far (Philosophy of Design) o An annotated table of contents has been developed; five key

areas to be updated; the table of contents includes applicable reference materials used to update the five areas

o Comments received on draft document via SharePoint – 400 comments to date (mostly minor) – consultant will come back with list of items that are out of scope

o Consultant is promising a 90% draft of half of the chapters in July 2014

o Another five chapters will be delivered in advance the 2015 spring meeting

o An email will come from TAC to various standing committees (including RSSC) to request input – one person will coordinate comments from the standing committee and submit them on behalf of the standing committee

o Volunteers for RSSC review team: Tony Churchill, Pedram, Steven Melton (lead), Geoff Ho, Geni Bahar, Julian Rozenthal, , Michael Croft

7.1.2. Traffic Operations & Maintenance Standing Committee – Report provided by Ron Stewart

MUTCD-C fifth edition released in January 2014 – included changes to 300 pages

Sign Pattern Manual being reviewed for new signs – Editing and

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Publishing Subcommittee will send out a user survey over the next few months to public and private sector members to see how best to keep it updated and distributed

MUTCD-C scoping study is underway – interested in dealing with active transportation in update

Final reports for multi-panel parking, loading zone signs, multi-use trail crossing, railroad crossing ahead sign electric vehicle charge station signs

All signs going through a driver comprehension testing – TAC hoping to follow MTQ process if logistically possible

7.1.3. Maintenance & Construction Standing Committee – Report provide by Phil Hutton

Utility group working on guidelines for utility locates and relocation – a key issue on almost all projects

Active transportation and multi-modal plans, identify best practise, service levels, etc.

Railway crossing – new regulations – Asking Transport Canada to talk to committee about it

Winter severity – project in development – not an important priority for many jurisdictions and will thus recommend to CEC that it be removed from the funded projects list

Work Zone Safety a high priority and request that RSSC ask CEC to proceed despite not meeting full funding

Snow Plough Lighting o MCSC, TOMSC and RSSC tasked with this project o MCSC requests that they take the lead on developing guidelines

on rear facing lighting configuration for snow ploughs o Propose putting together a small group’ led by Heather

McClintock to put something together for Fall o Would like to move towards standards afterwards, with

communication and education aspects to follow o Requesting a couple of volunteers from RSSC to sit on group for

guidelines o Volunteers: Ali Hadayeghi, Marla Muhr

7.1.4. Sustainable Transportation Standing Committee – Report provided by Steven Melton

Meets monthly on phone and in person at Spring and Fall meetings

Met on Saturday morning o 20 people in attendance o Agenda included: housekeeping items; sustainable transportation

awards; conference events being finalized (5-6 panels, workshops, etc.); City of Ottawa presentation on transit oriented development project

On-going volunteer projects: o Building great sustainable communities o Moving smarter project

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o Complete Streets – survey going out – a volunteer project 7.1.5. Asset Management Task Force – Report provided by Jon Regehr

Synthesis of Asset Management Best Practices – project in progress – Jon to provide target dates for the project

Synthesis of Traffic Monitoring Best Practices – 50% funded so far – looking for additional support

Discussed how to more formally integrate road safety in asset management – no defined outcome but asked to bring it to RSSC for consideration – maybe a panel discussion during Fall Task Force meeting or outside of Task Force – encourage people to come and chat about it

7.1.6. Climate Change Task Force – Written submission provided (Attachment 2)

Mandate ended but discussed future of the Task Force in Winnipeg – Options included: Status quo, new entity in TAC, dissolve,

Recommendation was to extend the existing mandate for another two years

Report is out – Primary climate change concerns identified in report – service direction, safety, damage to infrastructure

7.1.7. Small Municipalities Task Force – Report provided by Catherine Berthod

Road safety partnership with municipalities in Québec – purpose is to share news from small municipalities

Completed survey among membership for asset management practices in small communities

Contributing to TAC Centennial activities – collection of artefacts for showcase and pictures for book

Will be holding one panel session in two parts at the 2014 TAC Conference o Part 1 - Past, Present, Future in Small Communities – 2 confirmed

speakers o Part 2 - Road Safety Experience in Small Municipalities – 3

confirmed speakers

7.2. Paper Sessions & Annual Conference Subcommittee (PSACS) – Report provided by Peter Park

Terms of reference previously distributed with agenda Motion to accept PSACS terms of reference: Tony Churchill Seconded: Steven Melton Vote: All in favour

Paper Sessions for 2014 Conference o 29 abstracts received and 27 accepted o Road Safety Policy Development for Canadian Jurisdiction - 13 accepted o Work Zone Safety - 4 accepted o Role of Human Factors in Road Safety - 10 accepted o Spread out amongst industry and government

Panel Session for 2014 Conference o Currently scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, want to move it to

Jon Regehr

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morning session o Theme of the session is Past, Present and Future – looking for suggestions

for Past and Future – please contact Peter Park if you have any suggestions

Ideas for 2015 TAC Conference o Active Transportation/ Traffic Calming o Asset Management/ Sustainability o Rural Highway Safety/ Roadside Design/ Animal Collisions o Winter Maintenance/ Climate, Weather Impact o Distracted Driving/ Distracted Walking o List should be coordinated with sessions from other task forces and

standing committees o Contact Peter Park with any comments or suggestions

7.3. Workshop & Knowledge Development Subcommittee (WKDS) – Report

provided by Ali Hadayeghi

Review Terms of Reference/membership o Identify potential workshop ideas and knowledge transfer related to Road

Safety – goal is one or more for each conference o Collaborate with PSACS to find speakers or instructors

Motion to accept WKDS terms of reference: Nancy Badeau Seconded: Pedram Izadpanah

Workshop for 2014 TAC Conference o Theme of the workshop will be “How to Conduct an In-service Review” o Workshop scheduled for 30 September 2014, 8:45 – 17:00 o Will be based on real-life scenarios o Preliminary agenda: Introduction; presentation by three instructors;

group divided into three smaller working groups (10 people each); each team will conduct an office review and site visit; present results

o Instructors: Brian Malone, Tom Smahel, Abdelazi Manaer o Looking for minimum 6 volunteers – Contact Steven or Ali to volunteer o Volunteers: Tony Churchill

Ideas for 2015 TAC Conference o Human Factors Training – training for application of Human Factors in

roadway design, traffic operation and road safety – Human Factors Guidelines, naturalistic driving study, aggressive driving, positive guidance, etc.

o Panel discussion for application of ITS in Road Safety – safety implications of emerging technologies – autonomous vehicles, connected vehicles, commercial vehicles, alternative methodologies for travel time data collection

7.4. Project Idea Development & Initiation Subcommittee (PIDIS) – Report

provided by Garreth Rempel

Review Terms of Reference/membership o Purpose of the PIDIS is to identify knowledge gaps and to canvass RSSC to




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see which ones should move forward o Will keep a master list and periodically come back to RSSC for ranking –

survey online every three years to get a formal evaluation to gauge priorities

o Goal to have three projects in development at all times – based on prioritized list

o Looking for co-chair o Volunteers: Tony Churchill

Motion to accept PIDIS terms of reference: Tony Churchill Seconded: Ryan Anderson

Update on RSSC projects in development o National Guidelines Work Zone Safety project - $117 k collected to date

from 19 agencies - requires total of $165k - can achieve full funding level if each of the 19 agencies contribute an additional $ 2500

o Digital, Projected Advertising Display Synthesis and Guideline – Awarded to MORR and INTUS, - Project nearing completion – 100% draft final documents have been circulated to the PSC – In August documents will be circulated to RSSC for review and comment – Report will be presented in Fall to RSSC & TOMSC

Ideas for new RSSC Projects o 6 ideas to put forward this afternoon to get feedback as part of the group

work: clear zone safety guidelines from urban perspective; quantifying complexity of intersection a tool to compare visual clutter at intersections; road safety audits for PPP; safety guidelines for bikes and pedestrians; societal costs of collisions in Canada

o City of Toronto (Mike Brady) would like to see a project on automated enforcement which would include: consistent practice and methodology; site selection; program evaluation. Looking for volunteers for user group of some kind: City of Calgary, Saskatchewan, MTQ – please provide names to Garreth

7.5. Road Safety Engineering Award Subcommittee (RSEAS) – Report provided

by Craig Milligan

Review Terms of Reference/membership o To support the administration of the annual road safety engineering

award and of special awards created from time to time o Currently 10-12 volunteers involved in the subcommittee

Motion to accept RSEAS terms of reference: Steve Melton Seconded: Nancy Badeau

Update on 2014 Centennial Awards & 2014 annual RSEA o Two categories: Road Safety Engineering Award (annual) and the

Centennial Road Safety Awards o Received 10 abstracts, Centennial award submission awaiting translation

2015 Safety themed TAC conference o Interested in developing additional special awards for this safety themed



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o Will focus on the Five Pillars of the Decade of Action – will not link awards one-to-one with the Five Pillars

o Will invite the Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals, Transport Canada (confirmed), Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, CCMTA (pending) to help advertise the awards and participate in the review

Motion to approve proposal for the 2015 Decade of Action awards: Geni Bahar Seconded: Ali Hadayeghi 7.6. Canadian Road Safety Handbook Subcommittee (CRaSH) – Report provided

by Tony Churchill

Terms of reference previously distributed with agenda Motion to accept CRaSH terms of reference: Garreth Rempel Seconded: Craig Milligan

Status of Handbook development o Speed Management book - 95% complete – ready Fall 2014 o Access Management book – volunteer project – currently under review –

reformatting is required – draft ready for spring 2015 o Addendum to Canadian Road Safety Audit Guide - “Safety Audit for Active

Transportation” – an outline has been developed and circulated to CRaSH group for comment

o Urban/rural book on the back burner o PIDIS looking at a supplement to the Audit Guide for P3 projects

7.7. Road Safety Professional Subcommittee (RSPS) – Report provided by Jon


Review Terms of Reference/membership o Terms of reference were circulated with the agenda o Terms of reference were reviewed and approved at the Fall 2013 meeting

in Winnipeg – no need for a motion

Update on progress toward “White Paper” o White paper to identify need, challenges, options for addressing

challenges, operational scope, course of action o Table of contents completed o Draft conceptual model has been distributed with agenda and is to be

discussed this afternoon o Second draft to be completed by Fall with white paper completed by

Spring 2015 o Have been in communications with CARSP – they have identified a need

for a multi-disciplinary approach 7.8. Joint Roundabout Subcommittee (JRS) – Report provided by Keith Boddy

Includes members from the three standing committees (TOMSC, RSSC and GDSC)

Meeting was held on Friday night – 3-hour meeting

TOMSC multi-lane roundabout signs and markings – in 5th edition of MUTCDC

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JRS sponsored an accessibility workshop in Winnipeg (signalized intersection and roundabout) and will do the same in Montréal (no roundabout)

Accessibility and public outreach – would like to coordinate across country – will be at top of agenda at Fall meeting

Canadian Roundabout Design Guide o 50% draft is due by September and 100% by next April o Table of contents has been developed: 14 chapters o First five chapters have been submitted o Chapters will be submitted for review by June, July and August o Proposed following same model as GDG for RSSC comment: volunteer

reviewers submit comments to one lead who will consolidate comments on behalf of RSSC

o RSSC will likely be able to provide comment at 50% stage and 90% stage but this has not been voted on yet by the PSC

o Volunteers for RSSC review team: Julian Rozental, Jeannette Montufar, Wesley Hicks, and Geni Bahar as identified in Winnipeg – no lead identified yet

8 Year 2015 Related Items 8.1. Road Safety “themed’ TAC Conference (2015)

Safety intertwined across TAC, example: pavement – conditions, friction, etc.

RSSC would like to initiate a coordinating group to help the local organizing committee to – develop ideas for special events, workshops, name for conference

Steven Yeo provided update from the local organizing committee in PEI o Organizing committee is in place o Conference call scheduled for May to start discussion with TAC o Planning efforts to start in October o PEI fully supports the road safety theme and welcomes working with RSSC

to help establish program, name, etc. o Confederation Bridge want to participate from safety perspective o Minister will be doing presentation in Montréal and name will be

announced, can sit in on the conference call following May call Motion to approve implementation of RSSC consultation group: Geni Bahar Seconded: Pedram Izadpanah Volunteers: Tony Churchill, Craig Milligan, Catherine Berthod, Steve Melton, Geni Bahar (lead), Michael Pardo, Nelson Costa, Tom Smahel 8.2. Update on Road Safety Strategy (RSS) 2015 Inventory/Database – Report provided by Valerie Todd

Summary of 2013-2014 activities o 2011 – CCMTA made presentation to RSSC about RSS 2015 o 2012 – decision making assessment tool o 2013 – mini workshop at RSSC meeting o 2014 – update

Launched January 2015 – supported by council of ministers and deputy

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ministers responsible for Transportation Highway Safety

Provides an inventory of proven and promising initiatives focused on road users, road infrastructure, vehicles

121 initiatives initially developed, now 191

24 new initiatives yet to be included in online database – 17 generated from last years’ RSSC meeting

Grade separated cycle lanes, arterial traffic calming j-turns, juggle handles, bulb outs, signalization of roundabout, bike boxes, protected lefts, barns dance, median u-turns, etc.

RSS 2015 differs from CMF Clearinghouse in that it is focused on supporting Canadian jurisdictions and includes other measures than just engineering measures

Going through process to update strategic plan. Looking to update RSS 2015

One of the indicators is percent change in pedestrian and cyclist collisions – currently only including those involving moving vehicles as non-moving vehicles and cyclist vs. pedestrian collisions are not being reported via MVAR and there is limited by data available

Only one commercial vehicle indicator - global VKT

Indicators are fixed for 2015 – may have an opportunity to add indicators in next version of the plan

For more information:

9 Approval of Updated (2014) RSSC Terms of Reference

Original terms of reference for RSSC from 2002

5-year strategic plan exercise undertaken in 2012/2013, terms of reference need to be updated with change in focus and structure of the standing committee

Updated terms of reference circulated with meeting agenda and includes the following main changes: o Strengthened the scope and vision o New structure with link to 5-year strategic plan o Roles of executive updated o Terms of reference for subcommittees included in appendices o Duties of subcommittees chairs and co-chairs identified o Terms of office will remain as two years but change-over will be effective

November 1st following vote o Subcommittee chair/liaison officers/executive meeting added o Quorum changed to 15 to reflect stronger membership o TAC Secretariat office and CEC role defined and recognized

Motion to approve updated RSSC terms of reference, subcommittees’ terms of reference and 5-year strategic plan: Mike Skene Seconded: Tony Churchill Motion Passed

10 TAC Centennial Conference 2014

Online Showcase: o Will be used for the onsite showcase in Montréal o Eight jurisdictions showcase transportation over past 100 years, based on

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TC highway with exits and rest stations o Will have a “road safety” rest area o Trying to gather something for the “future” exit from the showcase –

artefacts would be helpful o Will be opened to delegates and general audience o Will be set-up by end of April

Lecture Series o Halifax lecture completed o Vancouver is next in two weeks - Raheem Dilgir will be presenting at the

panel session to over 75 registered participants o Series will then move to Calgary in May, followed by Toronto in June,

Montréal the week of the conference and then Winnipeg towards the end of October to close lecture series

o Videos of completed lectures available online at

Online eBook o Three chapters published already and available at the Transportation

2014 website o Two more available in a few weeks, two more in June and the rest in

September o


Alumni Event to replace co*cktail - Invitations will be sent to past members and long standing members

TAC 100 video will be showcased during the plenary session

Exhibition will be in a community type display

Monday night event – circus, magician, singers, etc.

Wednesday night – La Famille Pinchot

PSA will be distributed to TV stations across the country – highlight great Canadian innovation and importance of transportation

11 Group Work:

Brainstorming on 5-year Strategic Plan deliverables for 2014 & 2015 o Attendees to be broken out into three groups and facilitators will take

notes o Groups will rotate through three stations, 20 minutes at each stations –

build on ideas from previous groups o A representative from each group will report back to the RSSC

11.1 Group 1 - Scoping and Development of Upcoming RSSC Workshops

Human Factors/Road Safety workshop (B2.4, 2015)

Three “E” workshop (B2.5, 2015)

Workshop for Road Safety training webinar (C2.1, 2015)

11.2 Group 2 - Idea Development & Initiation of Future RSSC Projects

Inventory of research elsewhere (A1.6, 2014)

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Plan showing desired projects (A2.2, 2015)

Project priority-setting mechanism (A2.3, 2015)

Project validation process (A2.4, 2015)

11.3 Group 3 - Road Safety Professional Designation (Scoping/Stakeholder Workshop)

Road Safety Professional workshop (B2.6, 2015)

12 Report outs from Work Groups: 12.1 Group 3 – Report provided by Jon Regehr

Discussion on strengths and limitations of the RSP Designation

Strengths o Establishing a common ground of competency o Education towards the designation o Potential to have designation an ongoing life – keep designation up over


Limitations o Recognition of need for designation in context of engineering profession –

from client side may be no value to designation - What is the advantage to police officers or others?

o Standardized training materials needed – question about where that would be developed – perhaps through a university.

o Many agencies to which this designation could be relevant o How to coordinate within the larger framework of RS? o What is TAC’s role down the road

12.2 Group 2 – Report provided by Garreth Rempel

Discussion on PIDIS process and potential projects

Process o One project at a time in development o Develop a five year plan for funded projects as opposed to three in

development at a time – don’t spread ourselves too thin

Projects – three projects identified as most important: o Bike safety issues number one topic – not a lot of support from a data

perspective and from a Canadian perspective – not much evidence to say if it is safe or unsafe – UBC has done some research work that can be built upon

o Quantifying distraction at intersections – collect data at intersection, visual clutter and safety performance – what type of clutter produces distraction

o Clear zone issues and guidance from the urban context – best practices, what should be done

12.3 Group 1 – Report provided by Steve Melton

Discussed workshop scope and development – potentials for future conferences

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o Human factors in road safety – distractions, pedestrians, cyclists, active and passive signs, compliance with traffic laws, in-vehicle distractions, shared space and accessibility

o ITS - Autonomous Vehicles, vehicle to vehicle technology, Google’s autonomous vehicle, ITS Canada may have some good speakers, Montreal may have input on vehicle to infrastructure technology, CAVCOE

o 3 Es – Engineering extra steps towards safer infrastructure, before and after studies - education of drivers, children, etc. – enforcement automated enforcement, red light cameras, school zones and using 3 Es

Webinars – move towards webinar or open courses when new things come out or for some of the old material – would TAC be competing with others who are already doing this – TAC would have to accredit the webinars – cost of putting together the webinar

13 Roundtable Discussion (Issues, Updated, On-going Safety Projects, etc.)

Pedram Izadpanah, CIMA – Working on a project for speed enforcement for Alberta.

Nelson Costa, Region of York – Evaluating community safety zones and speed boards – purchased a dozen or so, identified some sensitive areas – testing to see what kinds of results they get including perception of community members in the review.

Phil Edens, City of Ottawa – Determining how best to deal with vulnerable road users in complete streets concepts. On-going speed board programs. Started a seasonal traffic calming pilot project – 32 locations being installed this year.

Michael Pardo, Ministry of Transportation Ontario – Safety Analyst is completely up and running – second annual network screening. Piloting safety edge on two lane rural roads to see impacts and durability of pavement.

Clayton Rudy, McElhanney Consulting – Evaluating SPF’s effects of safety over time – regression to the mean constant over time.

Tom O’Connell, City of Regina – Growth is a big issue – new stadium and lots of infill in downtown area, small narrow streets makes it difficult dealing with traffic flows.

Garreth Rempel, MORR Transportation Consulting – Working on the TAC Digital Advertising project – 6 chapters (including: intro, knowledge base on distraction, interviews, industries, paper reviews, policy level guidance, ten recommendations on regulatory side, how to evaluate applications, estimating change in collisions based on a number of characteristics – expected to be released next year.

Mike Croft, Nova Scotia Department of Transportation & Infrastructure – Installing safety edge paving on a couple of projects this year – in pavement reflectors in the pavement – some success in PEI. Will study benefits of lower speed zones in residential areas which were not permitted previously.

Diane Nash, New Brunswick Transportation & Infrastructure – Developing some guidelines to address cycling and walking shared use in more rural

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Bill Kenny, Alberta Transportation – Installing rumble strips on shoulder as well as centreline – if shoulder is 1.4 m minimum rumble strips would be included and if 300 m from residence, location would qualify for centreline rumble strips. High tension cable guiderails – more forgiving – no snow drifting – no proprietary end treatments needed – capital costs per m less than conventional systems if installing a system anyway – deflection up to 2 m.

Krista Tanaka, City of Ottawa – Project underway to update road safety program, includes a review of network screening, in-service reviews and audits.

Walter Burdz, Manitoba Infrastructure – Huge influx of capital dollars – much of it is tied to mega projects in the next 3-5 years – for first couple of years will be paving – no time for evaluations, i.e., can’t spend time to do reviews in order to get safety measures in. Active transportation policy is mostly a municipal issue – province policy is to limit exposure of vulnerable road users on the highway network. Trying to use rumble strips more and more. In the process of trying to get a traffic safety plan implemented in Manitoba – want to do outreach to Manitoba public insurance for an overall provincial plan.

Kevin Welker, Dillon Consulting – Dealing with how to accommodate farm equipment through interchanges near urban fringe – difficult to get buy-in from the agricultural community – challenging to come up with cost effective design.

Geni Bahar, NAVIGATS Inc. – (1) New guide for the calibration of SPFs has been completed – accuracy of SPF calibration factors and sample size required – decision is to calibrate or develop your own – National Academy project – not posted yet but will be free. (2) FHWA has developed a text book for training professionals in road safety. (3) Road Safety Manual by PIARC being updated; FHWA is in the process of reviewing first six chapters. (4) USA has now adopted nationwide Towards Zero policy – there is a website available for strategies.

Craig Milligan, Manitoba Infrastructure – Working on setting-up SPFs and network screening –adopting Canadian guidelines for network screening and SPFs – estimated SPFs for certain sites – had to develop their own for others – some from Ontario and some from HSM – mostly based on their own data – estimated truck safety performance function – some roads as high as 40% trucks – 6 other places in US and around world have tried this.

Steven Melton, ISL Engineering and Land Services – Working on Highway 63 project between Edmonton and Fort McMurray combination of high and low speed vehicles and lots of young drivers on the road. Working on complete streets projects in Edmonton. Road safety audits for P3s often times doing it at end of project.

Ali Hadayeghi, CIMA – Toronto hosting Pan AM games next year, doing simulation to see impact of new demand on network. Working on rewriting OTM Book 15 for pedestrian crossings

Tom Smahel, Human Factors North – (1) Working on snow plough lighting

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systems – started with VE session – in first stage of testing – user evaluation of checkerboard component, colour combinations, etc. – looking at lighting patterns and daytime/night-time conditions, degree to which the lighting would interfere with other lights (turn signals, etc.) – closed course tests first then on the road testing (snow covered conditions) – in the final stages of doing a comprehension test to see what the effect would be. (2)Geometric Design Guide will include human factors in each chapter. (3) Working on project for NZ to assess the effectiveness of education that effect drivers’ behaviour choices.

Tony Churchill, City of Calgary – (1) Working on developing a comprehensive safety plan which will be aligned with AB plan – holistic in nature with 5 Es (engagement and evaluation are the other two Es) – councillors and community associations involved to get their feedback and share information. Pedestrian safety a big issue. (2)Looking at developing a pedestrian safety plan and pedestrian strategy. (3) Centre city cycle track network – in-service review of the open facility – identify existing risks – have an engagement component up front. (4) Doing network analysis of median barriers. (5) Updating bylaw around school buses and school and park zones. (6) Nine rapid flashing beacon sites in place and 11 new this year. (7) Reviewing and formalizing in-service policy.

Nancy Badeau, Ville de Montréal. Helping with workshop for accessibility at upcoming TAC conference – lots of innovative designs going on.

Catherine Berthod, Ministère des Transports du Québec – (1) Report from Road Safety Task Force resulted in 23 recommendations. (2) First evaluation of photo radar was done in 2010 and now undertaking a second evaluation. (3) Report on nation mobility strategy – deals with active transportation and shared streets.

Colin Patterson, City of Mississauga – Undertaking a 40 km/h policy – formalizing practices for school zones and local residential streets. Implementation of traffic calming pilot project – first attempt in ten years for physical measures.

Ryan Anders, Strathcona County – (1) Updating traffic safety strategic plan – first developed in 2008 – traffic safety analyst, in-service reviews, network screening – in-line with Alberta’s strategy. (2) Sixth annual conference of traffic safety this April in Edmonton.

Marla Muhr, Saskatchewan Highways and Infrastructure – (1) Implemented first passing lane corridor – working well. (2) Implemented photo enforcement in work zones last year – (3) looking at school zones as well.

Maureen Van Ravens – Regional Municipality of Halton – (1) Developing Active transportation master plans – includes on-road or off-road facilities on all roads by 2031. (2) Undertaking safety assessment of all at-grade rail crossings. (3) Expanding red light cameras from 7 to 12 this year.

14 Q & A on Agency Updates (written updates received were pre-circulated with RSSC Agenda): 14.1. CITE

Transportation Association of Canada Road Safety Standing ...· Page 4 – MUTCD-C update on inclusion of active transportation – completed Page 4 - Request for volunteers for - [PDF Document] (16)

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June 1-4 joint conference with OTC in Regional of Waterloo

No questions

14.2. CCMTA

No questions 14.3. World Road Association

No questions 14.4. CARSP – no questions

June 4th annual conference in Vancouver

No questions 14.5. Canadian Global Road Safety Committee

No questions 14.6. SHRP 2

No questions 14.7. TRB – no questions

Meeting in May for those interested in 3Es – meeting PIARC to link North American initiatives with international ones

No questions

15 Closing Comments

16 Adjournment

Transportation Association of Canada Road Safety Standing ... · Page 4 – MUTCD-C update on inclusion of active transportation – completed Page 4 - Request for volunteers for - [PDF Document] (2024)
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